Digital versions of your books are delivered automatically and immediately upon purchase via email from Bookfunnel. If the email hasn't arrived in 5 minutes, please check your Spam folder - or, if using Gmail, check your Promotions folder.

Bookfunnel is a trusted service that helps you download your ebooks and audiobooks. Your books can be found on your Bookfunnel library. You can log into your library using the email you used to purchase/download your books. Here's the link for your library:


Books can be read on:

Kindle Fire Tablets (After 2015)

Nook Tablets (After 2014)

Kobo eReaders (Besides Aura)

Apple Books, Itunes, iPads, Iphones, Android Tablets and Phones, your computer using Chrome or Firefire browser.

You can listen to your audiobook as you would any other device capable of playing audiobooks. Or, you can stream from your browser!

You can select your preferred payment method at checkout. We accept secure payments for both local & international customers via most major methods including:

  • Credit Cards
  • Debit Cards
  • PayPal
  • Shop Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • and more!

Note that additional exchange fee may apply if your currency is other than US dollars.

Simply add as many items as you wish to your shopping cart while browsing our store. Once you want to proceed with the order, do so by going to the cart and clicking "checkout". 

Follow the instructions by providing us with delivery information and select payment method for the goods. 

We will ship your package within 5 business days (except for in the case of preorders).

I am available at (david@davidviergutz.com) and am always happy to guide you at any step!

Help with Bookfunnel

Find help here: https://getbookfunnel.com

Physical Products

Tracking information is available via the automated order confirmation which was sent to you via the email address you provided.

Shipping destinations:

  • We ship books within the continental U.S.

Shipping times:

  • Local orders take 3-5 business days to be delivered to you and we ship within 5 business days.
  • Shipping time might vary depending on location, shipment method and other factors.

Shipping cost:

  • Orders over $65 may have free shipping depending on promotions.
  • Orders under $64 will be charged for shipping depending on your chosen delivery method and country. Full price will be displayed at checkout. 

Shipping Fees:

  • Shipping fees are non-refundable.
  • If you refuse any shipments from David Viergutz, you will be held responsible for the original shipping charges, plus the cost of returning the package to us. This amount will be deducted from any credit issued.
  • If you need to return an item, please email us at david@davidviergutz.com

Please tap here for the full shipping policy.


When a refund is requested for a digital product, there is no way for the customer to truly return the purchased item. It remains in their possession indefinitely. Since they are delivered instantly to your email, our automated software does not allow refunds on electronic products.

If you have any other issues with your ebook order, please contact david@davidviergutz.com

Tap here for the full refund policy.